Australian High Commission
Responsibility for Bermuda

Approved Guarantors in Canada

Guarantor (Section 11 of the Overseas Australian Passport Application, form PC8)

NOTE: a Notary Public cannot be your Guarantor unless they meets all the requirements below!

If you do not know an Australian who can meet the requirements as your Guarantor at section 11 of the application, you may use a Guarantor who does not hold an Australian passport as long as he or she is currently employed in one of the approved professional or occupational groups listed below and:

  • is not related to you by birth or marriage,

  • is not in a de facto relationship with you,

  • does not live at the same address,

  • is over 18 years of age,

  • has known you for at least 12 months, and

  • is readily available to discuss your application during normal business hours 

Approved guarantors

  • Bailiff

  • Bank Manager

  • Certified Chartered Accountant (*licenced by the Province)

  • Civil Servants - current full-time employees of Federal, Provincial or Local Governments with at least five years or more of continuous service

  • Clerk of a court

  • Current law enforcement officer (*with five or more years of continuous service)

  • Current member of the Canadian armed forces (*with five or more years of continuous service)

  • Dentist

  • Elected Representative - Federal, Provincial or Local Government

  • Engineer (*licenced by the Province)

  • Judge of a court

  • Lawyer or Attorney (*licenced by the Province)

  • Marriage celebrant

  • Medical Doctor

  • Pharmacist

  • Postal Manager (Crown Employees)

  • Registered Chiropractor

  • *Registered Medical Practitioner (including the following who specialize in medical fields, and who are registered under the provincial health authority: surgeon, gynaecologist, psychiatrist, general practitioner, urologist, endocrinologist)

  • Registered Midwife

  • Registered Nurse

  • Registered Optometrist

  • Registered Physiotherapist

  • Registered Psychologist

  • Sheriff

  • Stipendiary Magistrates

  • Teacher employed on a full-time basis (*at a school or tertiary education institution with five or more years of service)

  • Veterinary surgeon (*licenced by the Province)


Further information is also available on the Australian Passport Office website.